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What is the rhetoric style. illustrated by the idiom “neck and neck”______





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更多“What is the rhetoric style. il…”相关的问题
What rhetoric devices are used in the poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud?()






These costs cannot be borne out of profits, no matter what popular()may say.





From a big point of view,what aspects should be paid attention to in translation checking?()

A.Logical structure

B.Semantic collocation


D.Syntactic structure

A "scientistic" view of language was dominant among philosophers and linguists who affecte
d to develop a scientific analysis of human thought and behavior. in the early part of this century, Under the force of this view, it was perhaps inevitable that the art of rhetoric should pass from the status of being regarded as of questionable worth (because although it might be both a source of pleasure and a means to urge people to right action, it might also be a means to distort truth and a source of misguided action) to the status of being wholly condemned. If people are regarded only as machines guided by logic as they were be these "scientistic" thinkers, rhetoric is likely to be held in low regard: for the most obvious truth about rhetoric is that it speaks to the whole person. It presents its arguments first to the person as a rational being, because persuasive discourse, if honestly conceived, always has a basis in reasoning. Logical argument is the plot, as it were, of any speech or essay that is respectfully intended to persuade people. Yet it is a characterizing feature of rhetoric that it goes beyond this and appeals to the parts of our nature that are involved in feeling, desiring, acting, and suffering. It recalls relevant instances of the emotional reactions of people to circumstances real or fictional—that are similar to our own circumstances. Such is the purpose of both historical accounts and fables in persuasive discourse: they indicate literally or symbolically how people may react emotionally, with hope or fear, to particular circumstances. A speech attempting to persuade people can achieve little unless it takes into account the aspect of their being related to such hopes and fears.

Rhetoric, then, is addressed to human beings living at particular times and in particular places. From the point of view of rhetoric, we are not merely logical thinking machines, creatures abstracted from time and space. The study of rhetoric should therefore be considered the most humanistic of the humanities, since rhetoric is not directed only to our rational selves. It takes into account what the "scientistic" view leaves out. If it is a weakness to harbor feelings, then rhetoric may be thought of as dealing in weakness. But those who reject the idea of rhetoric because they believe it deals in lies and who at the same time hope to move people to action, must either be liars themselves or be very naive; pure logic has never been a motivating force unless it has been subordinated to human purposes, feelings, and desires, and thereby ceased to be pure logic.

According to the passage, to reject rhetoric and still hope to persuade people is ______.

A.an aim of most speakers and writers

B.an indication either of dishonesty or of credulity

C.a way of displaying distrust of the audience's motives

D.a characteristic of most humanistic discourse

According to rhetoric, sentences are loose, periodic and balanced.()
Thousands of teachers at the elementary, secondary, and college levels can testify that th
eir students' writing exhibits a tendency toward a superficiality that Wash't seen, say 10 or 15 years ago. It shows up not only in their lack of analytical skills, but in poor command of grammar and rhetoric. I've been asked by a graduate student what a semicolon is. The mechanics of the English language have been tortured to pieces by TV. Visual, moving images—which are the venue of television—can't be held in the net of careful language. They want to break out. They really have nothing to do with language, grammar, and rhetoric, and they have become fractured.

Recent surveys by dozens of organizations also suggest that up to 40% of the American public is functionally illiter- ate. That is, our citizens' reading and writing abilities, if they have any, are impaired so seriously as to render them, in that handy jargon of our times, dysfunctional. The reading is taught - TV teaches people not to read. It renders them incapable of engaging in an activity that now is perceived as strenuous, because it is not a passive hypnotized state.

Passive as it is, television has invaded our culture so completely that the medium's effects are evident in every quarter, even the literary world. It shows up in supermarket paperbacks, from Stephen King (who has a certain clever skill) to pulp fiction. These really are forms of verbal TV-literature that is so superficial that those who read it can revel in the same sensations they experience when watching television:

Even more importantly, the growing influence of television, Keman says, has changed people's habits and values and affected their assumptions about the world. The sort of reflective, critical, and value laden thinking encouraged by books has been rendered obsolete. In this context, we would do well to recall the Cyclops—the race of giants that, according to Greek myth, predated man.

Quite literally, TV affects the way people think. In Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television, Jerry Mander quotes from the Emery Report, prepared by the Center for Continuing Education at the Australian National University, Canberra, that, when we watch television, "our usual processes of thinking and discernment are semi-functional at best. "The study also argues that, "while television appears to have the potential to provide useful information to viewers-and is celebrated for its educational function—the technology of television and the inherent nature of the viewing experience actually inhibit learning as we usually think of it. "

The first paragraph implies_____.

A.10 or 15 years ago people seldom wrote

B.the English grammar and rhetoric can be taught on TV

C.thousands of teachers are reluctant to admit their students' inability to write

D.TV ruins students' ability to write

In Chinese history, which is NOT the practice of discourse?





Some Italianscholars stressed the study of grammar, rhetoric, ____and poetry.

A.learning history


C.study of history

D.history learning

Rhetoric is essential for our life.

A.100% agree

B.75% agree

C.50% agree

D.25% agre


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