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Rebecca:I don't think Bob has chosen the right suit.Dora: Really? Well, personally, I think he wears the wrong colors. Actually.()

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更多“Rebecca:I don't think Bob has …”相关的问题

Rebecca:()Dora: Really? Well, personally, I think he wears the wrong colors. Actually.

A.I don't think Bob has chosen the right suit.

B.I love the way Bob dresses. He always looks so smart.

C.How funny Bob looks in that jacket.

D.Bob's new coat looks very expensiv.


Rebecca:I love the way Bob dresses. He always looks so smart.Dora: Really? Well, personally, I think he wears the wrong colors. Actually.()


Rebecca:How funny Bob looks in that jacket.Dora: Really? Well, personally, I think he wears the wrong colors. Actually.()


Rebecca:Bob's new coat looks very expensiv.Dora: Really? Well, personally, I think he wears the wrong colors. Actually.()


Rebecca:()Dora: Really? Well, personally, I think he wears the wrong colors. Actually.

I dont think she knows how to dress herself properly. ______is not to my taste.A.That she

I dont think she knows how to dress herself properly. ______is not to my taste.

A.That she wears

B.What she wears

C.She wears that

D.She wears what

Is that seat taken?()

A.Please take a seat

B.I dont think so

C.Why not

D.Its very nice

Jeff is talking about his first business trip next week, and Mary wishes him good luck

Mary: What do you () to do for your holiday?

Jeff: Come on, it went up in smoke. I have to go on a () with my boss.

Mary: Wow, you are going on a business trip next week? Where?

Jeff: Xiamen.

Mary: By plane or by train?

Jeff: (). You know our boss is afraid to fly () high anxiety.

Mary: Actually, its not so () flying if you dont look out of the window.

Jeff: Good idea!

Mary: Well, Xiamen is a () to be on holiday, you know.

Jeff: I know. But a business trip is tiring to me.

Mary: Oh, take it easy. Maybe it wont be as bad as you (). I like taking an occasional business trip for a change of pace.

Jeff: I hope so.

Mary: I think you should take advantage of this good opportunity to go on a business trip with our boss and gain his favor.

Jeff: Hey, that sounds like a really good idea. I think it ().

Mary: You know, I;ve dreamed a thousand times of () on the beach in Xiamen.

Jeff: So have I. But its not always nice and sunny there. Sometimes its ().

Mary: Come on, I dont think the weather will spoil your trip. Anyhow, I hope you have a nice trip.

Jeff: Thanks a lot

根据下列材料,请回答下列各题: questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage. What
makes a group intelligent? You might think a groups IQ would t esimply the aveiage intelligence of the groups members, or perhaps the intelligence of the teams smartest participant, But researchers who study groups have found that this isnt so. Rather, a groups intelligence emerges the interactions that go on Within the group. A teams intelligence can be measured, and like an individuals IQ scere, it can accurately predict the teams performance on a Wide variety of tasks. And just as an individuals intelligence is expandable, a groups intelligence can alsobe increased. Here are five suggestions on how to guide the developttment of smart teams: Chose team members carefully, The smartest groups are composed of people who are good at reading one anothers social cues, according to a study led by Carnegie Mellon University professor Anita Williams Woolley and published in the journal Science. Talk about the “how”. Many members of teams dont like to spend time talking about “process”, preferring to get right down to work--but Woolley notes that groups who take the time to discuss how they Will Work together aice ultimately more efficient and effective. share the floor: In the most intelligent teams, found Woolley, members take turns speaking Participants who dominate the discussion or who hang back and dont say much bring down, theWhat do we learn about a groups IQ?

A.It equals the total intelligence of the group members.

B.It determines the interactions among the group members.

C.It can help measure an individuals IQ score in the group.

D.It can help predict the groups performance on various tasks.

Questions 下列各 are based on the following passage. Amid a summer of record-setting he
at, a new survey fmds that most of Generation Xs (20世纪60年代到70年代初出生的美国人) young and middle-age adults are tminformed and unconcerned about climate change. Only about 5% of Gen Xers, now 32 to 52 years old, are "alarmed" and 18% "concerned" about climate change, reports the University of Michigans Institute for Social Research on Tuesday. Two-thirds, or 66% , of those surveyed last year said they arent sure global warming is happening and 10% said they dont believe its occurring. "Most Generation Xers are surprisingly disengaged, dismissive or doubtful about whether global climate change is happening and they dont spend much time worrying about it," said author Jon D.Miller. The report comes as several Obama administration officials have recently linked extreme weather to climate change. In a report last week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration cited six weather events last year and said that atmospheric changes caused by the burning of fossil fuels made Texas heat wave, for example, 20 times more likely than it would have been in the 1960s. The Generation X survey of about 3,000 adults, the fourth in a continuing series, found a small butstatistically significant decline in Gen Xers attention to climate change. In 2011, 16% said they followed the issue very or moderately closely, down from 2296 in 2009. Why are Gen Xere so indifferent? The report, funded by the National Science Foundation, citesclimate changes complexity, pressing economic concerns and "issue fatigue". It finds educated adults tend to be more concerned about the issue. It also finds partisan (党派的) differences; nearly half ofliberal Democrats were concerned or alarmed compared to zero percent of conservative Republicans. Miller said he expected that, given climate changes expected impact on future generations, parents of young children would be more concerned than those without kids. "Not so," he said. " Generation X adults without minor children were. slightly more alarmed aboutclimate change than were parents. The difference is small, but it is in the opposite direction than weexpected. " Miller said the report suggests that while theres broad awareness of climate change, manyGen Xers prefer to focus on more immediate issues such as jobs and schools. What do we know about the Generation X according to the passage?

A.They are a group of people receiving little education.

B.They dont believe global warming will affect them.

C.They dont care very much about climate change.

D.They never think that climate change will happen.

根据下面资料,回答下列各题 There is a certain inevitability that ebook sales have now over
taken paperback sales on Amazons US site. Amazons Kindle 2 is so light and so cheap that its easy to see why people have rushed to buy it. Though Im still not keen on the design of the Kindle, it is a vast improvement on its predecessor and certainly tolerable. Beyond the device itself, Amazon has done a great job of rolling out Kindle apps, ensuring that people like me-who have an iPad but not a Kindle-can still join in the fun. Once youre into the Kindle ecosystem, Amazon locks you in tightly-just as Apple does with its iTunes/ iPod ecosystem. Its so easy to buy from Amazons store and the books are so cheap that its not worth the effort of going elsewhere. While I remain opposed to Amazons DRM (数字版权管理)-indeed, Im opposed to DRM on any ebooks-I have to admit that the implementation is so smooth that most Kindle users wont care at all that their ebooks cant be moved to other devices. The ebook trend is nowhere near peaking. Over the next five years we can expect to see more and more readers move away from printed books and pick up ebooks instead. But I dont think that will mean the death of the printed book. There are some who prefer printed books. They like having shelves filled with books theyve read and books they plan to read; they like the feel of the book in their hands and the different weights and typefaces and layouts of different titles. In other words, they like the physical form. of the book almost as much as the words it contains. I can sympathise with those people. As I wrote earlier this week, my ideal situation would be for publishers to bundle ebooks with printed ones-in much the same way that film studios btmdie DVDs with digital copies of films. Theres no reason to think that lovers of printed books will change their minds. There will undoubtedly be fewer of them as time goes by because more people will grow up with ebooks and spend little time with printed ones. However, just as there are people who love vinyl records(黑胶唱片), even if they were born well into the CD era, there will still be a dedicated minority who love physical books. Since there are fewer of these people, that will mean fewer bookshops and higher prices for printed books but I dont think the picture is entirely bleak. There is scope for smaller print runs of lavishly designed printed books and bookshops aimed at book lovers, rather than the Stieg Larsson-reading masses. With mainstream readers out of the printed book market, book lovers might even find they get a better experience. What can be inferred from Paragraph One?

A.Most people buy Kindle 2 mainly because of its low price.

B.The author of the passage is a loyal customer of Apple products.

C.Amazons Kindle 2 surpassed Kindle 1 in designing.

D.The sales of ebook outnumbered those of paperback in the U. S.

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