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i must bare my heart to someone, or i shall go mad! 我一定要和人(),否则我要发疯了。




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It was about sunset when I, a little child, was sent with a handful of powdered tobacco le
aves and red feathers to make an offering to the spirit who had caused the sickness of my little sister. It had been a long, hard winter, and the snow lay deep on the grassland as far as the eye could reach. The medicine-woman's directions had been that the offering must be laid upon the naked earth, and that to find it I must face toward the setting sun.

But now where was a spot of earth to be found in all that white monotony? They had talked of death at the house. I hoped that my little sister would live, but I was afraid of nature.

I reached a little spring. I looked down to its bottom, wondering whether I should leave my offering there, or keep on in search of a spot of earth. If I put my offering in the water, would it reach the bottom and touch the earth, or would it float away, as it had always done when I made my offering to the water spirit?

Once more I started on in my search of the bare ground.

The surface was crusted in some places, and walking was easy; in other places I would wade through a foot or more of snow. Often I paused, thinking to clear the snow away in some place and there lay my offering. But no, my faith must be in nature, and I must trust to it to lay bare the earth. It was a hard struggle for so small a child.

I went on and on; the reeds were waving in the wind. I stopped and looked at them. A reed, whirling in the wind, had formed a space round its stem, making a loose socket. I stood looking into the opening. The reed must be rooted in the ground, and the hole must follow the stem to the earth. If I poured my offerings into the hole, surely they must reach the ground; so I said the prayer that l had been taught, and dropped my tobacco and red feathers into the opening that nature itself had created.

No sooner was the sacrifice accomplished than a feeling of doubt and fear thrilled me. What if my offering should never reach the earth? Would my little sister die?

Not till I turned homeward did I realize how cold I was. When at last I reached the house they took me in and warmed me, but did not question me, and I said nothing. Everyone was sad, for the little one had grown worse.

The next day the medicine-woman said my little sister was beyond hope; she could not live. Then bitter remorse was mine, for I thought I had been unfaithful, and therefore my little sister was to be called to the spirit land. I was a silent child, and did not utter my feelings; my remorse was intense.

The phrase "white monotony" (Paragraph 2) refers to the fact that

A.white people find farm life dull.

B.snow covers the landscape.

C.the narrator is blind.

D.nothing special happens in the story.

Teacher: Tom, you’re banging the table.It looks like you’re angry.Boy:(5)But I can’t fin
Teacher: Tom, you’re banging the table.It looks like you’re angry.

Boy:(5)But I can’t find the red block (积木).

Teacher: Let me see.I can tell when I’m getting angry because my face feels hot and my heart beats faster.Did you feel anything like that when you banged the table just now?

Boy: Yes, I think so.

Teacher: (6).What else could you have done if you couldn’t find the block?

Boy: Wmm…(7).Or find something else to play with.

Teacher: That’s great, Tom.

A.It must feel good.

B.Think about it.

C.I’ve looked everywhere.

D.Ask you for help.

To my surprise, I found the classroom is ______ at 8:00 in the morning.





I was due to take my driving test at 11:30 am. It was a rainy morning with low clouds and
as I approached the driving school at 9:50 am, my heart sank. My driving instructor, Stan, said something, trying to drive away my fears, but I was not impressed. We set off for the test centre with an hour to go. I wanted a run round the test circuit (圈) , but we got stuck in a traffic jam, and could only drive no faster than walking. We arrived at the test centre at 11 am. Stan made me watch a group of six learners emerging from the building with their respective (个自的) examiners. Their instructors were looking out from two windows. We watched them drive off. They must have been feeling very nervous. Stan took me round the probable test track, pointing out the traps. The weather became even worse. It seemed to make me feel worse too. I had developed a couldn’t-care-less mood, and was almost calm. We returned to the test centre in time to see the six unfortunates returning. Their nerves must have been in a terrible state. I sat in the waiting room until six examiners came in to call out our respective names. Mine showed no emotion as he asked me to go to my car. I showed none either, but the tension began mounting again. On their way to the test center, Stan tried to comfort the author ___________ . A. but it made the author’s heart sink deeper

B. but the words produced no effect

C. so that the author could drive to the center with no fears

D. so that they could prepare for all the traps

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Six learners would be tested at the same time

B.The learners were tested in the presence of their instructors.

C.None of the six learners passed the test in the end

D.The instructors were as nervous as the learners

When the author was sitting in the waiting room, he was quite __________ .A.upset




When it was his turn to take the test, the author went to his car with __________ .A.firm confidence

B.mixed emotions

C.increased nervousness

D.perfect calmness

The passage is mainly about __________ .A.the influence of bad weather upon a test taker

B.the feelings of a learner before his driving test

C.the preparations before a driving test

D.an unforgettable day


Passage Standing on the bare ground—my head bathed by the blithe air and uplifted in to i
nfinite space—all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God. Questions:

Which work is this selection taken from?

I don't mind their disapproving of my plan, but, in my heart, I still want their support.

A.My heart hurts but I am not going to let you know

B.I am frightened out of my wits

C.My heart is almost collapsed at the moment

D.The ship of friendship sinks easily

1801 I have just returned from a visit to my landlord — the solitary neighbour that I shal
l be troubled with. This is certainly a beautiful country! In all England, I do not believe that I could have fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of society. A perfect misanthropist's heaven: and Mr. Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair to divide the desolation between us. A capital fellow ! He little imagined how my heart warmed towards him when I beheld his black eyes withdraw so suspiciously under their brows, as I rode up, and when his fingers sheltered themselves, with a jealous resolution, still farther in his waistcoat, as I announced my name.

"Mr. Heathcliff!" I said.

A nod was the answer.

"Mr. Lockwood, your new tenant, sir. I do myself the honor of calling as soon as possible after my arrival, to express the hope that I have not inconvenienced you by my perseverance in soliciting the occupation of Thrushcross Grange: I heard yesterday you had had some thoughts —"

"Thrushcross Grange is my own, sir," he interrupted, wincing. "I should not allow anyone to inconvenience me, if I could hinder it — walk in!"

The "walk in" was uttered with closed teeth, and expressed the sentiment, "Go to the deuce": even the gate over which he leant manifested no sympathizing movement to the words; and I think that circumstance determined me to accept the invitation. I felt interested in a man who seemed more exaggeratedly reserved than myself.

When he saw my horse's breast fairly pushing the barrier, he did put out his hand to unchain it, and then sullenly preceded me up the causeway, calling, as we entered the court: "Joseph, take Mr Lockwood's horse, and bring up some wine."

"Here we have the whole establishment of domestics, I suppose," was the reflection suggested by this compound order.

No wonder the grass glows up between the flags, and cattle are the only hedge-cntters.

Joseph was an elderly, nay, an old man: very old, perhaps, though hale and sinewy. "The Lord help us!" he soliloquized in an undertone of peevish displeasure, while relieving me of my horse: looking, meantime, in my face so sourly that I charitably conjectured he must have need of divine aid to digest his dinner, and his pious ejaculation had no reference to my unexpected advent.

Wuthering Heights is the name of Mr Heathcliff's dwelling. "Wuthering" being a significant provincial adjective, descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed in stormy weather. Pure, bracing ventilation they must have up there at all times, indeed; one may guess the power of the north wind blowing over the edge, by the excessive slant of a few stunted firs at the end of the house; and by a range of gaunt thorns all stretching their limbs one way, as if craving aims of the sun. Happily, the architect had foresight to build it strong: the narrow windows are deeply set in the wall, and the comers defended with large jutting stones.

The phrase "a suitable pair" (Para. 1 ) is used to suggest that both Mr. Heathcliff and "I"______.

A.like each other

B.trust each other

C.are reserved

D.enjoy life in the city

The handsome young man came back to the table wher

e I sat, pulling me out of my reverie and making my heart pound faster






My brother John had a heart attack last night. ---Oh really?().

A.What a pity!

B.I’m sorry to hear that

C.Is it all right?

D.What a shame!

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