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Why do we invest so much hope in new technology and why are we so disappointed when the Ne

xt Big Thing turns out to be just a new computer? This is what I'm asking myself after Apple's 【C1】______ over hyped product introduction. This time around the Next Big Thing is called an iPad. It's 【C2】______ an oversize iPod Touch, and it will be great for watching movies, reading books, and browsing the Web.

【C3】______ for some of us who sat in the audience watching Steve Jobs introduce the device, the whole thing felt like a 【C4】______ . The iPad is a perfectly good product. It's reasonably 【C5】______ , and after spending a few minutes with one, I'm pretty sure I'll buy one for myself and probably 【C6】______ second one for my kids to watch movies on road trips.

Then why are we so【C7】______? The case is that at the very 【C8】______ , we had hoped a tablet from Apple would do something new. Jobs and his 【C9】______ kept using words like "breakthrough" and "magical", but the iPad is 【C10】______ It might turn out to be magical for Apple, because 【C11】______ Jobs is really doing here is trying to【C12】______the personal computer with a closed appliance that runs software only from Apple's online App Store. So instead of selling you a(n) 【C13】______ and never hearing from you again, Apple gets a(n) 【C14】______ revenue stream with iPad as you keep【C15】______more apps. That really is "magical" for Apple's bottom line, anyway.

And that's 【C16】______ . What's wrong, or at least interesting, is why some of us 【C17】______ so much more from a new gadget. I suspect this is because for some people, myself 【C18】______ , technology has become a kind of 【C19】______ . We may not believe in God anymore, but we still need mystery and wonder. We need the magic 【C20】______ .






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更多“Why do we invest so much hope …”相关的问题
So why do we order with more reckless()when we're using our smartphones and laptops?





Education is one of the key words of our time. A man without an education, most of us beli
eve, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances, deprived of one of the greatest twentieth-century opportunities. Convinced of the importance of education, modern states " invest " in institutions of learning to get back "interest" in the form. of a large group of enlightened young men and women who are potential leaders. Education, with its cycles of instruction so carefully worked out, punctuated by textbooks—that purchasable wells of wisdom—what would civilization be like without its benefits?

So much is certain: that we would have doctors and preachers, lawyers and defendants, marriages and births—but our spiritual outlook would be different. We would lay less stress on "facts and figures" and more on a good memory, on applied psychology, and the capacity of a man is to get along with his fellow-citizens. If our educational system were fashioned after its bookless past we would have the most democratic form. of "college" imaginable. Among tribal people all knowledge inherited by tradition is shared by all; it is taught to every member of the tribe so that in this respect every- body is equipped for life.

It is the ideal condition of the "equal start" which only our most progressive forms of modern education try to regain. In primitive cultures the obligation to seek and to receive the traditional instruction is binding to all. There are no "illiterates"—if the term can be applied to peoples without a script—while our own compulsory school attendance became law in Germany in 1642, in France in 1806, and in England in 1876, and is still non-existent in a number of "civilized" nations. This shows how long it was before we deemed it necessary to make sure that all our children could share in the knowledge accumulated by the "happy few" during the past centuries.

Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means. All are entitled to an equal start. There is none of the hurry, which, in our society, often hampers the full development of a growing personality. There, a child grows up under the ever-present attention of his parents' and therefore the jungles and the savannahs know of no "juvenile delinquency". No necessity of making a living away from home results in neglect of children, and no father is confronted with his inability to "buy" an education for his child.

Why do modern states invest in institutions of learning?

A.To get a repayment for what an individual's education has cost.

B.To get rewards for what they have spent.

C.To charge interest.

D.To give all the children free education.

听力原文: Visitors to Britain are always complaining about English food. But they do not r
eally know what they are talking about because they rarely get a chance to eat it. Most of the restaurants in large towns have foreign owners and serve foreign food.

When visitors are invited to eat in an English home, their hosts often feel they must offer them something foreign and exotic. Those of us who do know English food are a-ware that at its best it can be really very good. On the other hand it is true to say that sometimes it is terrible. Part of the problem is that we are not really interested in food-we eat to live, we do not live 1o eat. So we don't generally spend the necessary time and effort needed to cook really good meals. We prefer food that is simple and easy to cook, or ready prepared food which only needs heating up before eating. You can find the best English food in the country away from the large towns, where life is slower and people are not in such a hurry. But, of course, most visitors come to London. They come because they are interested in shopping and sightseeing. They do not come because of food, so why should they complain about it?

Why are visitors to Britain always complaining about English food?

A.Because they don't eat in an English home.

B.Because the restaurants they go to serve foreign food.

C.Because they don't know what they eat is not real English food.

D.Because people in large towns are too busy to provide them with English food.

听音频,回答下列问题: When Captain Cook asked the chiefs in Tahiti why they always are 26
, they replied, "Because it is right. " If we ask Americans why they eat with knives and forks, or why their men wear pants 27 skirts, or why they may be married to only one person at a time, we are likely to get 28 and very uninformative answers: "Because its right. " "Because thats the way its done. " "Because its the 29 " Or even ,I dont know. " The reason for these and countless other patterns of social behavior. is that they are __30 by social norms--shared rules or guidelines which prescribe the behavior. that is appropriate in a given situation. Norms 31 how people " ought" to behave under particular circumstances in a particular society. We conform. (遵守) to norms so readily that we are hardly aware they 32 . In fact, we are much more likely to notice 33 from norms than conformity to them. You would not be surprised if a stranger tried to shake hands when you were introduced, but you might be a little 34 if they bowed, started to stroke you or kissed you on both 35 . Yet each of these other forms of greeting is appropriate in other parts of the world. When we visit another society whose norms are different, we quickly become aware that things we do this way, they do that way. 第26题应填____

听力原文:M: I want to do something tonight for a change; let's go to the movies.W: In this

听力原文:M: I want to do something tonight for a change; let's go to the movies.

W: In this heat? Are you joking?

M: We can go to an outdoor movie. Do you think I'd suggest an indoor one in the middle of the summer in San Diego?

W: I'd rather go out for a meal. The outdoor movies are so uncomfortable.

M: Why don't we do both at the same time? We could pick up some take-away food and eat it in the movie.

W: That sounds like fun. But they never show any good films in the summer. At least not any of the new ones. All you get is the old classics. It's just what we've seen half a dozen times.

M: But that's why they're classics. They're worth seeing again and again.

W: Another objection to outdoor movies is that you can never hear properly. You hear all the traffic from outside.

M: Well, we can find a foreign film with printed translation at the bottom of the screen, then you don't need to hear the sound. I think it would be fun to sit watching an old film and eating a meal at the same time.

W: Last time I went to an outdoor movie, I bought a bar of chocolate to eat as I went in. It was a horror film and I was so shocked I just sat there holding my bar of chocolate until the interval when I found it had melted in my hand and run all down my dress. That was an expensive evening out.

M: Well, we don't go and see a horror film, darling t and take-away meals don't melt.


A.Their favorite movies

B.Jokes for entertainment.

C.Pastime for the night.

D.Their eating habits.

听力原文:M: Do you think I could borrow your car to go grocery shopping? The supermarkets
outside the city are so much cheaper. I'd also be happy to pick up anything you need,

W: Well, I don't like to let anyone else drive my car. Tell you what, why don't we go together?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She will drive the man to the supermarket.

B.The man should buy a car of his own.

C.The man needn't go shopping every week.

D.She can pick the man up at the grocery store.

听力原文:M: Sara, I've been looking forward to our yearly campout for three weeks. It's go
ing to be a wonderful day for hiking tomorrow. The great outdoors. Camping under the stars. This is the life.

W: Yeah, but Paul, I'm a little bit worried about the weather though. Tile weatherman said it was going to rain later tonight.

M: Ah. Nonsense. Nothing can spoil our adventure. Those weather reports are never light.

W: And it said there was a chance of high winds.

M: Ah. Don't worry.

W: Listen! It's thundering. Did you remember to bring our raincoats just in case, like I told you? It's going to rain.

M: Uh... no. I left them on the front porch.

W: Oh! Terrible! It's beginning to rain heavily. What are we going to do now?

M: We'll have to sleep in the car! Hurry get in!

W: SO, Paul, what are we going to do now?

M: How about playing a card game?

W: Uhh. I left them next to the picnic table. Hey, you don't want me to go out in this rain and get them, do you?

M: No. That's okay. So what now?

W: Well, we could head down the mountain and stay at that hotel we passed on the way up, or go horse.

M: Hmm, why don't we just make the best of it here and hope the weather clears.

W: That's a good idea.



B.Mountain biking.


D.Traveling somewhere.

Most of you would probably say that what makes you truly happy is your family and the love
you share in your relationships, and I couldn't agree more. But money comes into play in those relationships.

When I talk about money this way to a group, there is always someone who comes up to me and says, " Suze, you are so wrong. Money isn't the key to life—this is!" At which point their wallet flies open and they show me a photo of their family.

That's when things get interesting, because I start asking them questions: Did you take that photo with your own camera? It looks like a beautiful beach, was the photo taken on a family vacation? Do you hope to help those beautiful boys and girls go to college?

As their answers are "yes" , I ask them how they provide all of that for their family. That's when they understand that I had it right.

I totally agree that family and friends are of great importance to our well being; without meaningful relationships, there's no chance of ever being truly happy. That's why, every Saturday night, I end my CNBC show with the following words:" People first. Then money. Then things. "

How we deal with the money we have also plays into our happiness. Over the past few decades (十年), the percentage of Americans who say they're happy hasn't changed much, while at the same time the average income has doubled. So we have more money, but we're not much happier on average.

A paradox(悖论) ? Far from it. My sense is that while we're making more money, we aren't making more of the money we make. We have to pay for a lot of things, and we have to worry a-bout saving for retirement (退休) in a way that our parents and grandparents never did. And as man-y of you know, it's really hard to increase your happiness when you've got a lot of money worries.

Do you agree, or am I way off base? I'd love to know what do you think about the money/ happiness connection.

Why do people often show the author their family photos?

A.They hope to show money is very important.

B.They want to prove they can afford a holiday.

C.They think a good family makes them truly happy.

D.They believe a happy person considers people first.

Humans are unique in the extent to which they can reflect on themselves and others. Humans
are able to (21) , to think in abstract terms, to reflect on the future. A meaningless, (22) world is an insecure world. We do not like extensive insecurity. When it (23) to human behavior. we infer meaning and (24) to make the behavior. understandable.

(25) all this means is that people develop "quasi theories" of human behavior, that is, theories that are not developed in a (an) (26) , scientific manner. When doing so, people believe they know (27) humans do the things they do.

Let's consider an example. In the United States people have been (28) with the increasing amount of crime for several years. The extent of crime bothers us; we ourselves could be victims. But it (29) bothers us that people behave in such ways. Why can such things happen? We develop quasi theories. We (30) concerned about the high crime rate, but we now believe we (31) it: our criminal justice system is (32) ; people have grown selfish and inconsiderate as our moral values weaken (33) the influence of liberal ideas; too many people are (34) drugs. These explanations suggest possible solutions. (35) the courts; put more people in jail as examples to other lawbreaker. There is now hope that the problem of crime can be solved if only we (36) these solutions. Again, the world is no longer meaningless nor (37) so threatening. These quasi theories (38) serve a very important function for us. But how accurate are they? How (39) will the suggested solutions be? These questions must be answered with (40) to how people normally go about developing or attaining their quasi theories of human behavior.





Mobile phones are the items that a lot of people are having today. However,do we really
need to have a mobile phone by our side?

We could start with the advantages of mobile phones. There are many things that we could do with mobile phones. With the advancement of technology,more and more features are being added to the mobile phones which make them more useful. In addition to making calls,mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging,email,Internet access,business applications,gaming and photography. We can bring them everywhere,and can be reached by others anytime. They make the world smaller,bringing people together no matter where they are.

But we could have some risks when using our mobile phones. We may have accidents when we use them while driving. Some studies show that mobile phones can do harm to our bodies;and materials in mobile phones could damage our environment.

Since there are so many risks,why do we still have mobile phones?This is because these risks or disadvantages can be overcome. For example,while we are driving we can easily pull up our car if we really need to use the phone. Mobile phone manufacturers are reducing the radiation of mobile phones to avoid health risks.

Though there are both pros and cons of using mobile phones,we could easily see that there are more advantages than disadvantages. Moreover,mobile phones are becoming cheaper,which might be another reason why mobile phones are increasingly used today.

1. Which of the following functions is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Text messaging.

B. Camera.


2. What risks might mobile phones cause?

A. Traffic accidents and health problems.

B. Environmental damage.

C. Both A and B.

3. What are mobile phone manufacturers doing to prevent mobile phone users from health risks?

A. They are reducing the radiation of mobile phones.

B. They are trying to persuade people to use mobile phones less.

C. They are developing new models of mobile phones.

4. Why do people still use mobile phones despite their disadvantages?

A. Because people don’t believe that mobile phones have any disadvantages.

B. Because the disadvantages of mobile phones can be avoided.

C. Because people cannot live without mobile phones.

5. According to the last paragraph,why are mobile phones increasingly being used today?

A. They are safer.

B. They have more functions.

C. They are becoming cheaper.

听力原文:M: Oh, I'm so glad that I ran into you today. I have lots of questions, and every
one has been telling me to talk with you.

W: What kinds of questions?

M: You took an English class from Professor Sanford, didn't you?

W: Yes.

M: Well, I've heard lots about her and I'mthinking about taking her Basics in English class next semester.

W: Don't do it.

M: Why? You didn't like the class?

W: The class was interesting enough, but Professor Sanford is one of the most difficult teachers I have ever had. She expects a great deal from her students, so if you plan to take the course, be prepared to work very hard. I remember doing homework for at least three hours a day, just for her class. It was very tiring because I still had to do the work for all my other clasps. She's an extremely intelligent person and so she expects similar brilliance from her students.

M: What about the woman herself? Is she reasonable?

W: Yes, she most definitely is. She loves her students and is very understanding of our problems. She was always available before, during, and after classes to help us with any ideas we couldn't understand. I really liked her as a person. I just hated all the reading we had to do in classical literature.

M: Well, I happen to like classical literature.

W: Then, you'll love the class.I was more interested in theory, and we barely touched that. What a semester!


A.Professor Sanford.

B.Basics in English class.

C.Classical literature.

D.Theory class.

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