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2023-12-10 来源:学赛搜题易




A consist    B compose        C compile    D consume


3、We can infer from the text that the careers of some outlaws______.
A.are materials of many fictions
B.have been glorified in some movies
C.are criticized by people in our time
D.have been recorded

4、The individual TV viewer invariably senses that he or she is ______ an anonymous, statistically insignificant part of a huge and diverse audience.
A.everything except
B.anything but
C.no less than
D.nothing more than

5、"The impulse to excess among young Britons remains as powerful as ever, but the force that used to keep the impulse in check has all but disappeared," claimed a newspaper. Legislation that made it easier to get hold of a drink was "an Act for the increase of drunkenness and immorality", asserted a politician.
  The first statement comes from 2005, the second from 1830. On both occasions, the object of scorn was a parliamentary bill that promised to sweep away "antiquated" licensing laws. As liberal regulations came into force this week, Britons on both sides of the debate unwittingly followed a 19th-century script.
  Reformers then, as now, took a benign view of human nature. Make booze cheaper and more readily available, said the liberalisers, and drinkers would develop sensible, continental European style. ways. Nonsense, retorted the critics. Habits are hard to changer if Britons can drink easily, they will drink more.
  Worryingly for modern advocates of liberalisation, earlier doomsayers turned out to be right. Between 1820 and 1840, consumption of malt (which is used to make beer) increased by more than 50%. Worse, Britons developed a keener taste for what Thomas Carlyle called "liquid madness"—gin and other spirits.
  The backlash was fierce. Critics pointed to widespread debauchery in the more disreputable sections of the working class. They were particularly worried about the people who, in a later age, came to be known as "ladettes". An acute fear, says Virginia Berridge, who studies temperance at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, was that women would pass on their sinful ways to their children.
  In the 19th century, temperance organisations set up their own newspapers to educate the public about the consequences of excess. That, at least, has changed: these days, the mainstream media rail against the demon drink all by themselves.
According to the text, the phrase "the second" in the second paragraph refers to ______.
A.the statement by a critic
B.the increase of drunkenness
C.the decline of immorality
D.the assertion by a politician

6、Adults' motivational cognition may be stimulated by
A.predictable presence of opportunities.
B.visible signs of opportunities.
D.approachable information.

7、We can safely conclude that a student may fail in an exam if ______.
A.he can not think properly
B.he can't pay attention to it
C.he can't finish it
D.he is not full of energy

8、From the last paragraph, we can infer that
A.Bob Kiley as TfL's boss approved the new scheme.
B.Mr. Kiley's underlings confirmed his suggestion.
C.London's mayor disagrees Mr. Kiley's idea.
D.Ken Livingstone would feel shameful if he changed the scheme.

9、It can be inferred from the passage that the methods used by psychohistorians probably prevent them from_______
A.presenting their material in chronological order
B.producing a one-sided picture of an individual's personality and motivations
C.uncovering alternative explanations that might cause them to question their own conclusions
D.offering a consistent interpretation of the impact of personality on historical events

10、ERC's ultimate success seems to lie in
A.the hands of the European Parliament.
B.the support of member states of the EC.
C.the absence of political intervention.
D.the number of votes each member is allotted.

11、What does the sentence "nothing is causeless, and even the fact that Englishmen have bad teeth can tell one something about the realities of English life."(Paragraph 1) imply?
A.English are wise people.
B.Englishmen have distinct characteristics.
C.The realities of English life are caused by some reasons.
D.Englishmen love to say something bad behind one's back.

12、This course is designed to help children ________ such real life situations as separation and loss.
A.cope with
B.settle down
C.intervene in
D.interfere with





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