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From the time we were babies we have been taught our manners.(从婴儿时开始我们就被教

From the time we were babies we have been taught our manners.(从婴儿时开始我们就被教以礼貌规矩。) We are taught how to hold a knife and a fork and not to talk with our mouths full. We are taught how to shake hands and when to stand and when to sit and the way to introduce people.

Sometimes good manners in one place are very bad manners somewhere else. Almost everywhere eating together means that you are very friendly to each other. But in parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating at all. They politely turn their backs on each other when they are taking food.

Some East Africans spit four times as a kind of blessing(祝福). They do it to show that they want a sick person to get well, or to bless a new born baby. In most other places, spitting means just something completely different. It's something to do to show that you hate someone.

When we go to visit someone we say "Hello" and "How are you" and things like that. If you were visiting an East African village, everyone would be very careful not to pay any attention to you. The polite thing there would be for you to go quietly, without speaking to anyone, and sit beside your friend. You would wait until he had finished what he was doing and then he would begin talking to you.

In a village in Arab, a visitor walks behind all the tents until he gets to the one he wants to visit. If he passed in front,he would be invited into each tent and asked to eat. It was rude to refuse.

1.We have been taught________.

A.it's bad manners to stand and to sit

B.it's good manners to hold a knife and a fork

C.it's good manners not to talk with our mouths full

D.how to shake hands when we introduce people

2.In parts of Polynesia it's not polite________.

A.to be eating alone

B.to stand eating

C.to be seen eating

D.to take food away

3.In most places,spitting means________.

A.a kind of blessing

B.you want a sick person to get well

C.you give a new-born baby the blessing

D.you hate someone

4.If you visit an East African village, you________.

A.had better say "Hello" or "How are you" to others

B.will keep quiet and not to speak to anyone

C.should be very careful and not to pay any attention to others

D.must wait until the villagers have finished their work and then begin to talk to them

5.If you pass in front of the tents in Arab, ________.

A.you would be invited in and eat in each tent

B.you just refuse to go into the tent

C.you can walk behind all the tents

D.you can't get to the one you want to visit

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A.reached from




When we were first married, I knew you would have to spend quite a lot of time on your own, when I c

When we were first married, I knew you would have to spend quite a lot of time on your own, when Icould not spare myself frombusiness affairs.

From the first paragraph, we learn thatA.summer was always a great time for laziness and f

From the first paragraph, we learn that

A.summer was always a great time for laziness and freedom.

B.summer time was gradually crammed with various courses.

C.summer education was especially important for A-list students.

D.summer class was proved to be more helpful to disadvantaged students.

We can infer from the passage that those who do not work ______.A.are likely to live a sho

We can infer from the passage that those who do not work ______.

A.are likely to live a shorter life

B.will lose everything at home

C.can live as long as those who work

D.have more time to make new friends

From the passage we can infer thatA.electronic mail will soon play a dominant role in tran

From the passage we can infer that

A.electronic mail will soon play a dominant role in transmitting messages.

B.it will become mere difficult for people to keep secrets in an information era.

C.people will spend less time holding meetings or conferences.

D.events will be reported on the spot mainly through satellites.

By the time Jack comes back from his hometown, we _______ all the preparations.


B.have finished

C.had finished

D.shall have finished

(Mar. 9-10)()

A.That’s a good position to be in

B.There’s no way it’ll be fine

C.It’s been a long time since we visited

D.It’s so far away from the city

From a rhetorical point of view, which kind of sentence does the following sentence belong to? If you’ve got the time, we’ve got the beer().




D、Both periodic and loose

What do we know about thestudents from the letter?

A.They are from different countries.

B.It is difficult for them tocome to America.

C.It takes them a long time todecide what to learn in America.

From what is said in the passage we can conclude that ______.A.some animals do have intell

From what is said in the passage we can conclude that ______.

A.some animals do have intelligence to some extent

B.chimps can be taught to use human language if enough time is given

C.chimps can even geese some particular signs to express what they want

D.chimps can be as creative as human beings

翻译:Think about driving a route that’s very familiar.

Translate the following text from English into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points)

Think about driving a route that’s very familiar. It could be your commute to work, a trip into town or the way home. Whichever it is, you know every twist and turn like the back of your hand. On these sorts of trips it’s easy to zone out from the actual driving and pay little attention to the passing scenery. The consequence is that you perceive that the trip has taken less time than it actually has.

This is the well-travelled road effect: people tend to underestimate the time it takes to travel a familiar route.

The effect is caused by the way we allocate our attention. When we travel down a well-known route, because we don’t have to concentrate much, time seems to flow more quickly. And afterwards, when we come to think back on it, we can’t remember the journey well because we didn’t pay much attention to it. So we assume it was shorter.


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