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2023-12-07 来源:学赛搜题易


1、Sport psychology research has documented the important rote of significant adults such as parents and coaches in youth participants' psychosocial development and achievement motivation. However, the situation concerning parents and coaches in youth sport is somewhat of a conundrum—the roles of coach and parent are often synonymous, suggesting not simply an independent relationship with the child participant.
  In recent years, a growing body of literature has emerged on parent influence in youth sport based on these and other theories. First, research shows that parents who are more supportive and less pressuring of their children are associated with youth participants who report higher perceived competence, enjoyment, and intrinsic motivation toward sport. Second, parents who encourage their child's participation and exhibit enjoyment of physical activity are related to children who report higher perceived competence and attraction toward physical activity. Finally, parents who hold stronger positive beliefs about their child's physical competence are associated with children who report higher self-perceptions, value toward sport, and physical activity levels.
  A prevalent phenomenon of North American culture is the parent-coach dual role. Most coaches in competitive youth sport are parents of one or more of their players. Brown estimated that about 90% of the volunteer coaches in a given community are a parent of one or more team members. Although one can forward several positive aspects of the parent-coach phenomenon, there is also the potential for youth to perceive stress from this parent-child relationship. Several researchers reported that adolescent athletes felt pressure from their coaches and parents to perform. well, and desired that parents be sources of social support and leave skill and strategy instruction to the coach's domain. Collectively, anecdotal accounts and empirical data suggest that exploring the benefits and costs of parents coaching their children is a worthy topic from both theoretical and applied perspectives.
  Therefore, based on previous research on the role of parents and coaches in youth development, the purpose of the present study was to gain knowledge about the parent-coach phenomenon in competitive youth sport. We accomplished this purpose by interviewing youth soccer players who were coached by their parent, the child's teammates, and the parent-coach. We expect that child participants would identify both positive and negative aspects of having a parent as their coach, in line with previous research, but we were most curious to know if different issues would be raised about the unique parent-coach/child-athlete relationship.

What does the word "conundrum" (Line 4, Para. 1) most probably mean?
A.Contradictory; with many disagreements.
B.A difficult problem.
C.Indistinct or not clear in definition.
D.Not yet having been ascertained or determined.

2、What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.DNA evidence should be used more widely.
B.John Swain defended the man successfully by DNA technology.
C.DNA tests are too sensitive to be reliable.
D.The defendant left his fingerprint on the weapon of the robbery.

3、Students choose to stay closer to home mainly because of
A.their fear of homesickness.
B.the surging economy of their home country.
C.the changing pattern of world education.
D.their personal economic reason.

4、According to the second paragraph, it can be found by researchers that______.
A.Only educated people suffer from brain shrinkage
B.The more the brain shrinks, the more abnormal people's cognition and memory become
C.People might loss no mentality even with brain shrinkage
D.No brain-tissue loss will be induced by indulgence in alcohol

5、Which of the following statement of the Japan's culture is true according to the passage?
A.Substantial changes occurred in democratic process at the end of World War Ⅱ.
B.The democratic idea was accepted immediately by the whole society after the World War Ⅱ.
C.Nowadays the Confucianism outweighs the new value system in Japan.
D.Today the Confucianism is a functioning part of the Japanese society.

6、According to the passage, the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that______
A.society cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduates
B.high school graduates do not fit the pattern of college education
C.too many students have to earn their own living
D.college administrators encourage students to drop out

7、According to the author, "backward" languages tend to expand in______.
A.grammatical structures
D.sound patterns

8、In the last three paragraphs, the writer intends to show ______.
A.the disappointment of the film industry at Revenue's decision
B.the state of worry in the minds of film investors
C.the reactions to the Revenue's move of parties concerned
D.the way out of the present difficult situation


10、"The Theory of Moral Sentiments" would embarrass those who believe that______.
A.market is merciless in nature
B.greed can be socially beneficial
C.they can benefit from the fortune of others
D.market requires regulation

C.is measured
D.was measured


13、The author's attitude toward taxation on externality is one of______.
A.strong disapproval
B.reluctant acceptence
C.enthusiastic support
D.wait and see

14、The text intends to tell us that______.
A.errorless learning produce efficient students
B.getting the answer wrong makes better learning
C.practice makes perfect students
D.strategies are useful in promoting learning





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