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2023-12-10 来源:学赛搜题易



2、An energy tax would curb ordinary air pollution, limit oil imports and cut the budget _____.
[A] disposition 
[B] deficit
[C] defect
[D] discrepancy

3、The first woman who took part in the experiment
A.was interviewed by “The New York Times”.
B.remained in the laboratory till June 25th.
C.published some articles on the experiment.
D.found out how the biological clock works.

4、Part A
Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)
Placing a human being behind the wheel of an automobile often has the same curious effect as cutting certain fibres in the brain.
  The result in either case is more primitive behaviour. Hostile feelings are apt to be expressed in an aggressive way.
  The same man who will step aside for a stranger at a doorway will, when behind the wheel, risk an accident trying to beat another motorist through an intersection. The importance of emotional factors in automobile accidents is gaining recognition. Doctors and other scientists have concluded that the highway death toll resembles an epidemic and should be investigated as such.
  Dr. Ross A. McFarland, Associate Professor of Industrial Hygiene at the Harvard University School of Public Health, said that accidents “now constitute a greater threat to the safety of large segments of the population than diseases do. ”
  Accidents are the leading cause of death between the ages of 1 and 35. About one third of all accidental deaths and one seventh of all accidental injuries are caused by motor vehicles.
  Based on the present rate of vehicle registration, unless the accident rate is cut in half, one of every 10 persons in the country will be killed or injured in a traffic accident in the next 15 years.
  Research to find the underlying causes of accidents and to develop ways to detect drivers who are apt to cause them is being conducted at universities and medical centres. Here are some of their findings so far:
  A man drives as he lives. If he is often in trouble with collection agencies, the courts, and police, chances are he will have repeated automobile accidents. Accident repeaters usually are egocentric, exhibitionistic, resentful of authority, impulsive, and lacking in social responsibility. As group, they can be classified as borderline psychopathic personalities, according to Dr. McFarland.
  The suspicion, however, that accident repeaters could be detected in advance by screening out persons with more hostile impulses is false. A study at the University of Colorado showed that there were just as many overly hostile persons among those who had no accidents as among those with repeated accidents.
  Psychologists currently are studying Denver high school pupils to test the validity of this concept. They are making psychological evaluations of the pupils to see whether subsequent driving records will bear out their thesis.

The author believes that, behind the wheel of an automobile, some people act
A.as though they were uncivilized.
B.as though they should change their attitudes from hostility to amicability.
C.as though their brain fibres needed cutting.
D.as though they wanted to repress hostile feelings.

5、The studies mentioned in Paragraph 3 suggest that______.
A.it is advisable for the old to read slowly
B.out-of-place words are never negligible
C.there is nothing that can distract young people
D.old people may be more attentive in face of distractions

6、Caspar succeeded in applying to Oxford because______.
A.he was careful and often overworked
B.all of his school teachers thought he had a chance
C.he used in the exam the techniques provided by his father
D.he read the book "Teach Your Child How to Think" before the exam

7、As stated in the text, those who grabbed "the largest piece" in the "economic pie" in the 1990s were
A.venture capitalists who reaped rewards.
B.investors engaged in the tech-sector.
C.workers in nonfinancial corporations.
D.shareholders in the stock market.

8、Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.In the past, people sometimes plugged their ears to fight against the offending noise.
B.An active noise-cancellation system follows the principles of a wave being flattered by meeting its exact opposites.
C.The first active noise-cancellation system was made in the 1930s.
D.Active noise-cancellation systems are now available on the market.

9、Concerning health-care systems in Britain, the author is likely to agree to the statement that
A.the Labor government conducted a review about how to cut down on costs.
B.the money pouring into the NHS did bring with it productivity and quality.
C.the problem of funds put into medical care should be thoroughly reexamined.
D.the health-care systems in Britain will become the envy of the rest of the world.

10、The author uses his own practices to show that our beliefs are often______.


12、According to the passage, what do you know about e-business in Britain?
A.E-business has eliminated many competitive rivals.
B.E-business has done many benefits to big companies.
C.Many companies have joined in the E2 business program.
D.E-business has great potential and will make changes in the country.





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