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2023-12-06 来源:学赛搜题易


1、Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[A] Flu vaccines now mainly use egg-based technology.

[B] A bird influenza has once circulated among humans.

[C] Safety can be greatly improved with cell-culture vaccines.

[D] Modern vaccine production methods are to replace egg-based methods.


2、Which one of the following would be the best subtitle for the last paragraph?
A.Establishing Equality: The power play
B.The Public Eye: Dealing with doubters
C.The Meeting Place: Finding friends
D.Defining the Relationship: Friends or Lovers?

3、The passage mainly talks about______
A.the New Deal Era (1993—1937)
B.the WPA and the PWA
C.a pattern for the future
D.one-third of a nation

4、Nell Barrett's remarks are quoted to show______.
A.experts' different understandings of intention of the attack
B.the difficulty to find out the gangs behind this act
C.people's doubt about winning the lawsuit against SCO
D.the problem with the security of information management

5、In the United States, Black people often score below White people on intelligence tests, with this in mind, which one of the following statements is NOT TRUE?______.
A.Nature proponents would say that Whites are genetically superior to Blacks
B.Supporters of the nature theory would say that Whites score well because they have a superior environment
C.Behaviorists would say that Black often lack the educational and environmental nadvantages that Whites enjoy
D.Nurture proponents would disagree that Blacks are biologically inferior to whites

6、The last sentence of the passage implies that______.
A.ice cream and diet pills reveal one's vices
B.ice cream and diet pills are not good food
C.plenty of shoppers do not buy their right grocery
D.one's defects in character may be reflected on the grocery list

7、We may safely conclude from the passage that ______.
A.male superiority maintains a healthy family
B.authority and democracy are very essential to a healthy family
C.authoritarianism does no good to a healthy family
D.women should be equal to men

8、In the eyes of the author, the EU's Barcelona summit ______.
A.turned out to be rather disappointing.
B.was as productive as expected.
C.proved to be quite dissatisfactory.
D.was not so fruitful as anticipated.

9、Through which character of the brain did the scientists study the brain?
A.The brainwave pattern.
B.The EEG.
C.The right frontal cortex.
D.The transformational thought.

10、What is the passage mainly talking about?
A.Social networking provides a more convenient way to communicate with people online.
B.Human beings are spending more time talking online than in real life.
C.Social networking let people communicate with friends online perfectly.
D.People are trying to find a better and secure way to communicate through Internet.

11、The example of the unions in Wisconsin shows that unions______.
A.often run against the current political system
B.can change people's political attitudes
C.may be a barrier to public-sector reforms
D.arc dominant in the government

12、Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A.Tourists learn the history of Disney in its entertainment parks.
B.Disney attracts people almost from all over the world.
C.Parades are regularly held in Disney's entertainment parks.
D.Disney's managers are able to do almost all kinds work in the Disney parks.

13、If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of .





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